Bridging the Client-Server Divide

webapp-architectureMost software these days is delivered in the form of web applications, and the move towards cloud computing will only emphasize this trend.

Web apps consist of client and server parts, where the client part has been getting bigger lately to deliver a richer user experience.

This split has implications for developers, because the technologies used on the client and server parts are often different.

The client is ruled by HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while the server is most often developed using JVM or .NET based languages like Java and C#.

Disadvantages of Different Client and Server Technologies

Developers of web applications risk becoming either specialists confined to a single part of the stack or polyglot programmers.

Polyglot programming is the practice of knowing and using many programming languages. There are both advantages and disadvantages associated with polyglot programming. I believe the overriding disadvantage is the context switching involved, which degrades productivity and opens the doors to extra bugs.

Being a specialist has advantages and disadvantages as well. A big disadvantage I see is the “us versus them”, or “not my problem” culture that can arise. In general, Agile teams prefer generalists.

Bringing Server Technologies to the Client

Many attempts have been made at bridging the gap between client and server. Most of these attempts were about bringing server-side technologies to the client.

GWTJava on the client has failed to reached widespread adoption, and now that many people advice to disable Java applets altogether because of security reasons it seems increasingly unlikely that it ever will.

Bringing .NET to the client has likewise failed as Silverlight adoption continues to drop.

Another idea is to translate from server to client technologies. Many languages can now be compiled to JavaScript. The most mature effort is Google Web Toolkit (GWT), which translates from Java. The main problem with GWT is that it supports only a small subset of Java.

All in all I don’t feel there currently is a satisfactory way of using server technologies on the client.

Bringing Client Technologies to the Server

So what about the reverse? There is really only one client-side technology worth looking at today: JavaScript. The only other rival, Flash, is losing out quickly due to lack of support from Apple and the rise of HTML5.

Node.jsJavaScript on the server is starting to make inroads, thanks to the Node.js platform.

It is used by the Cloud9 IDE, for example, and supported by Platform-as-a-Service providers like CloudFoundry and Heroku.

What do you think?

If I had to put my money on any unification approach, it would be Node.js.

Do you agree? What needs to happen to make this a common way of developing web apps? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

The Lazy Developer’s Way to an Up-To-Date Libraries List

groovyLast time I shared some tips on how to use libraries well. I now want to delve deeper into one of those: Know What Libraries You Use.

Last week I set out to create such a list of embedded components for our product. This is a requirement for our Security Development Lifecycle (SDL).

However, it’s not a fun task. As a developer, I want to write code, not update documents! So I turned to my friends Gradle and Groovy, with a little help from Jenkins and Confluence.

Gradle Dependencies

We use Gradle to build our product, and Gradle maintains the dependencies we have on third-party components.

Our build defines a list of names of configurations for embedded components, copyBundleConfigurations, for copying those to the distribution directory. From there, I get to the external dependencies using Groovy’s collection methods:

def externalDependencies() {
  copyBundleConfigurations.collectMany { 
  }.findAll {
    !(it instanceof ProjectDependency) && &&

Adding Required Information

However, Gradle dependencies don’t contain all the required information.

For instance, we need the license under which the library is distributed, so that we can ask the Legal department permission for using it.

So I added a simple XML file to hold the additional info. Combining that information with the dependencies that Gradle maintains is easy using Groovy’s XML support:

ext.embeddedComponentsInfo = 'embeddedComponents.xml'

def externalDependencyInfos() {
  def result = new TreeMap()
  def componentInfo = new XmlSlurper()
  externalDependencies().each { dependency ->
    def info = componentInfo.component.find { == "$$" &&
    if (!info.isEmpty()) {
      def component = [
        'friendlyName': info.friendlyName.text(),
        'version': dependency.version,
        'latestVersion': info.latestVersion.text(),
        'license': info.license.text(),
        'licenseUrl': info.licenseUrl.text(),
        'comment': info.comment.text()
      result.put component.friendlyName, component

I then created a Gradle task to write the information to an HTML file. Our Jenkins build executes this task, so that we always have an up-to-date list. I used Confluence’s html-include macro to include the HTML file in our Wiki.

Now our Wiki is always up-to-date.

Automatically Looking Up Missing Information

The next problem was to populate the XML file with additional information.

Had we had this file from the start, adding that information manually would not have been a big deal. In our case, we already had over a hundred dependencies, so automation was in order.

First I identified the components that miss the required information:

def missingExternalDependencies() {
  def componentInfo = new XmlSlurper()
  externalDependencies().findAll { dependency ->
    componentInfo.component.find { == "$$" && 
  }.collect {

Next, I wanted to automatically look up the missing information and add it to the XML file (using Groovy’s MarkupBuilder). In case the required information can’t be found, the build should fail:

project.afterEvaluate {
  def missingComponents = missingExternalDependencies()
  if (!missingComponents.isEmpty()) {
    def manualComponents = []
    def writer = new StringWriter() 
    def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
    xml.expandEmptyElements = true
    println 'Looking up information on new dependencies:'
    xml.components {
      externalDependencyInfos().each { existingComponent ->
        component { 
      missingComponents.each { missingComponent ->
        def lookedUpComponent = collectInfo(missingComponent)
        component {
        if (!lookedUpComponent.friendlyName || 
            !lookedUpComponent.latestVersion || 
            !lookedUpComponent.license) {
          println '    => Please enter information manually'
    def embeddedComponentsFile = 
    embeddedComponentsFile.text = writer.toString()
    if (!manualComponents.isEmpty()) {
      throw new GradleException('Missing library information')

Anyone who adds a dependency in the future is now forced to add the required information.

So all that is left to implement is the collectInfo() method.

There are two primary sources that I used to look up the required information: the SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository holds OSGi bundle versions of common libraries, while Maven Central holds regular jars.

Extracting information from those sources is a matter of downloading and parsing XML and HTML files. This is easy enough with Groovy’s String.toURL() and URL.eachLine() methods and support for regular expressions.


All of this took me a couple of days to build, but I feel that the investment is well worth it, since I no longer have to worry about the list of used libraries being out of date.

How do you maintain a list of used libraries? Please let me know in the comments.

Unit testing a user interface

So I’m on this new cool Google Web Toolkit (GWT) project of ours now. Part of the UI consists of a series of HTML labels that is the view to our model. Since our model has a tree structure, we use the visitor pattern to create this UI.

This all works beautifully, except when it doesn’t, i.e. when there is a bug. With all the recursion and the sometimes convoluted HTML that is required to achieve the desired effect, hunting down bugs isn’t always easy.

So it was about time to write some unit tests. Normally, I write the tests first. But I was added to this project, and there weren’t any tests yet. So I decided to introduce them. Now, it is often easier to start with tests than add them later. If you don’t start out by writing tests, you usually end up with code that is not easily testable. That was also the case here.

Making the code testable

So my first job was to make sure the code became testable. I started out by separating the creation of the HTML labels from the visitor code, since I didn’t want my tests to depend on GWT. So I introduced a simple TextStream:

public interface TextStream {
  void add(String text);

The visitor code is injected with this text stream and calls the add() method with some HTML markup. Normally, this TextStream is a HtmlLabelStream:

public class HtmlLabelStream implements TextStream {

  private final FlowPanel parent;

  public HtmlLabelStream(final FlowPanel parent) {
    this.parent = parent;

  public void add(final String text) {
    parent.add(new HTML(text));


But my test case also implements the TextStream interface, and it injects itself into the visitor. That way, it can collect the output from the visitor and compare it with the expected output.

Simplifying testing

Now I got a whole lot of HTML code that I needed to compare to the desired output. It was hard to find the deviations in this, since the required HTML is rather verbose.

So I decided to invest some time in transforming the incoming HTML into something more readable. For instance, to indent some piece of text, the HTML code contains something like this:

<div style="padding-left: 20px">...</div>

For each indentation level, 10px were used. So I decided to strip the div, and replace it with the number of spaces that corresponds to the indentation level. I repeated the same trick for a couple of other styles. In the end, the output became much easier to read, and thus much easier to spot errors in. In fact, it now looks remarkably similar to what is rendered by the browser.

This certainly cost me time to build. But it also won me time when comparing the actual and expected outputs. And adding a new test is now a breeze. Which is just the sort of incentive I need for my fellow team mates to also start writing tests…

Log Files to the Rescue

Yesterday I got an email from a client describing a really, really weird situation that had occurred with our product. Of course, they couldn’t provide a way to reproduce the problem. Fortunately, there were only two users on the system at the time (it was in their integration testing environment), so they could tell what each of them was doing.

One person’s actions I could dismiss pretty quickly as the cause of the problem, so it must have been what the other did. However, her actions also seemed unlikely to have caused the problem. I started exercising the system in ways related to her actions, in hope of reproducing the problem. No luck whatsoever.

So I stepped back a little and started reasoning from the code. What could possibly have caused this? I came up with a scenario, tried it, and sure enough, there it was. But the problem was that my actions in no way resembled the description of the client’s actions. And on top of that, my actions seemed rather bizarre. Why would anyone want to do this?

I know debugging isn’t always an exact science, but my hypothesis was in real need of some testing.

Enter log files. Our product is a web application running in Apache Tomcat, for which it’s pretty easy to enable logging. Tomcat’s access log follows the Common Logfile Format, which looks like this (all on one line): 8080 - - [27/Jun/2008:08:41:49 +0200] 
"GET /docato-composer/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3132

Each HTTP request is logged on a single line, with the IP address of the client first, then some identity information (missing in the example), the time, the kind of request (GET), the URL, the protocol (HTTP/1.1), the result status code, and the result size. (Tools like Webalizer can parse such log files easily to provide statistics for web sites.)

I got the access log from our client, and put on my CSI hat. For each of the steps in my scenario, I looked up the associated URL and searched for it in the log. And yes, bizarre as it may have appeared to me, they were all there: conveniently one after the other, from the same IP address and just before the time the client noticed the problem. Case closed.

The morale of this story is that log files are a Good Idea™. Without them I might have dismissed my scenario as too unlikely, and have spent valuable time chasing alternative hypotheses. Also, while browsing the log files, I stumbled upon two other problems that the client didn’t even report. I fixed these as a bonus 😀